Saturday, June 11, 2011

my shabby fortnight

Hello out there!
It's Friday evening here...
I'm plopped in the living room... 
with lovely candles, big band tunes and a refreshment...
Reflecting on what it is I've been up to, keeping me away from this blog... 

You know, I love this little spot in the blogosphere...
 but sometimes there's just not a lot you can do about LIFE getting in the way... 
Or at least sometimes, if you wanna get something else DONE, you gotta go get it done 
and hope everybody still loves you when you get back :~}

So here is my Fortnight~In~Review... 
{the good news is, it's a whole bunch of good stuff I've been up to}

First of all...
I've been spending a lot of time with a nice gang of shrubs...

 They've been very patient this spring... 
So now that it's almost 100 degrees out there...
 I've finally gotten around to digging large holes in chock-full-o'-rocks dense red clay so they can finally spread their toes in the cool earth. 
I've also been moving perennials around here and there that were in that particular bed...
It's such satisfying work... 
To make my little world a prettier place... 
Butt-kicking work

When I take a break I usually hang with the sweetpeas on the patio...

because any day now the mosquito overlords will arrive...

and there will be a lot less patio time around here.

So if you don't find me out there...
 I might be on my daily hike with the dog in the woods.

This is part of the trail a few months ago...
green just beginning to pop up.

Now this is a dense green jungle, with poison ivy encroaching on the path...
Oh yeah... 
I've also spent part of the last two weeks scratching poison ivy...

Or I might be out rehearsing Renaissance chamber music in a big old stone church 
where our voices float up to the vaulted ceiling...
getting ready for my last few concerts of the season.
That is hard but satisfying work too...

Or maybe it's after school and the pool was beckoning...
always a good idea when it's almost 100 degrees...

I've even discovered that, yes, I can study early music scores in a chaise lounge, poolside...

and if I'm at the pool I might as well swim some laps...

On the way home I will probably need to pick up our CSA share at the farm stand... 
and see what gorgeous produce the earth has made for us this week...
such a fun and satisfying way to buy "groceries".

Then of course there's all the rest of life: 
homework, friends, school concerts, dinner, laundry...
well, you get the idea.

By the time dinner and dishes are accomplished...

I've still got a few more shrubs to go, plus a bunch of perennials...
the weekend is supposed to be positively pleasant.

I've got a date with these babies...

Happy weekend to all...


linking to...

Weekend Bloggy Reading


  1. I'm so glad you're back! I know just what you mean about life getting in the way. I've been trying to fit in my gardening for the last month and finally I can relax and do other things, because the really hard part is over and now it's just easy maintenance and enjoyment. Have a great weekend, Mary :O)

  2. Looks like you have been one busy gal, and it's paid off!

  3. ONE BUSY LADY...but you have a fabulous yard--some good bushes, nice flowers and you have even been to the pool......sounds like a great summer......even if you haven't been able to blog

  4. Your sweet peas are beautiful!! I need to get some of those. :) I love reading about how other people spend their downtime. Your gardens are beautiful!

    Thanks for joining my Weekend Bloggy Reading party, and for linking back (I appreciate that!). Stop by Serenity Now again soon! :)

  5. Whew! You just made me a little tired.

    Light more candles and turn the music up louder and rest.

  6. Shell BLISS!
    I love the starfish topping your bottles!
    Reading your blog is refreshment...the way you step back helps me to do the same. May the garden of your heart continue to bloom this summer. I look forward to the next time you write to us.

  7. So gorgeous, Marta! What a beautiful, and nourishing life you lead and give to others.

  8. Love to know what's on your playlist...

  9. Thanks, everybody, for all the sweet comments!
    @Stephanie - we are big Pandora Radio fans... I mean, its on all day long around here. We have several big band stations. That night I was listening to Harry James Radio.... We also have Duke Ellington, Woody Herman... I also dig my Ella F. And Edith Piaf. Madeleine Peyroux is great, too! If you haven't tried yet, you are in for a treat!

  10. Your pics are gorgeous, as always! Miss you, but totally understand. My garden looks like SHIT because I have neglected it woefully in order to blog. We can't do it all!


Thank you for visiting oneshabbychick! I {heart} your comments...