Tuesday, March 29, 2011

One Of My Peeps Is A Winner...

 First of all...

 to ALL my peeps
who entered the giveaway
and left such lovely comments about this blog...

I'm thrilled that you are enjoying it...  
enough to keep coming back!!!

Here's what I've been up to...

randomly selecting a winner.

I tried out that Random Number Generator on-line...
but that felt about as exciting as punching numbers on my desktop calculator 
and totally lacked any pomp and circumstance.

No, I needed a little bit o' ceremony for this...

 So last night I got home from my evening rehearsal...
poured myself a glass of wine...
and printed out all of the giveaway comments.

I sat here and cut them up into little slips of paper...
feeling a little like a wine-drinking kindergartener.

I cut them out and folded them all up into itty-bitty bits.....
and still couldn't bring myself to choose just one....

I threw them into that sweet galvanized bin and went to bed.

And then this morning... 

I picked one.

And the winning peep is...

Congrats, Jennifer!!!

Look for an email from me so that I can get you your goodies!...

And thank you to everybody for commenting and posting and tweeting...

and visiting me here at oneshabbychick!



you remember those other Peeps, who helped me out with the giveaway 
and made such a sweet appearance here?

Well, I'm sorry to report that they 
ended up getting involved with some pretty shady characters around here... 
They were forced to participate in some brutal sport...
and met a most unfortunate demise...

it's called Peeps Jousting.

It involves two Peeps, toothpicks and a microwave.

And it's not pretty...

... but it tastes pretty darn good.

More soon...



  1. Congratulations Jennifer. Have a great day!;-)

  2. Congratulations Jennifer. You did good!

  3. Oh, I LOVE peep jousting! We call it "Peep Death Matches" but jousting has such a regal tone to it, doesn't it?!

    Congrats Jennifer. I'm so jealy.

  4. You're funny!!! Congrats, Jennifer!!!

  5. keep your friends close and enemies closer, right? chicks are so fickle. one day it's all togetherness and love... the next they stab your heart in a heated death match. reminds me of shakespeare!

  6. Love you blog! And your peeps post is hilarious, and SO FREAKING CUTE!!

    I'm currently having a giveaway, and you've inspired me to do something artsy!


Thank you for visiting oneshabbychick! I {heart} your comments...